It had the unpleasant environment. The climate also dry.
There were many dusty roads, deep rivers, steep rugged area, dry forest, mountains which were difficult to enter, with so much scrubs and thorns.
Buddha also said not many pleasant land, lakes, parks or groves in Jambudipa.
The great Indian human civilization was sprang from the central Ganges valley, known as "Majjhimadesa" or Middle Land. It extended to the east of Kajangata town, southeast to Salalavati river, southwest to Satakannika, west to Brahmin village Thuna and northern to Usiraddhaja Mountains.
We cannot identify these place anymore, however all those places in the modern day are around Terai in Nepal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in India.
Buddha was born here, he spent his whole life time teaching dhamma in the villages, towns and cities. In this Middle Land, he also entered into Mahaparinibbhana.
In the Mahaparinibbhana Sutta (the sutta of Digha Nikaya in the Pali Canon of the Tripitaka), it was stated that :
Venerable Ananda asked Buddha how to seek the inspiriration after the Buddha entered nibbhana.
The Buddha said : " Ananda, there are 4 places of the sight which arouse strong emotion in those with faith. Which are the four ?
"Here the Tathagata was born , this, Ananda, is a place that a pious man should visit and look upon with the feelings of reverence."--(Lumbini)
"Here the Tathagata became fully enlightened, in unsurpassed Supreme Enlightenment, this, Ananda, is a place that a pious man should visit and look upon with the feelings of reverence."--(Bodhgaya)
"Here the Tathagata became fully enlightened, in unsurpassed Supreme Enlightenment, this, Ananda, is a place that a pious man should visit and look upon with the feelings of reverence."--(Bodhgaya)
"Here the Tathagata set rolling the unexcelled wheel of the law, this, Ananda, is a place that a pious man should visit and look upon with the feeling sof reverence."--(Sarnath)
"Here the Tathagata passed away to Nibbhana wherein the elements of clinging do not arise, this, Ananda, is a place that a pious man should visit and look upon with the feelings of reverence."--(Kusinara)
" And whosover, Ananda, should die on such a pilgrimage, with his heart established in faith, he at the breaking up of the body, after death, will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness."
Mom and myself made decision to follow a pilgrimage trip to India and Nepal again.
On Dec 11th, 2006, early in the morning, we rent a villager private taxi and rushed to Buddhist society in our area. Then we had been transfered to a rent bus and went to Penang International airpot. We took a morning flight to Bangkok.
It was still early when we reached the Bangkok international airport. We had been transfered again to Amari Don Muang Airport in Bangkok. We had a luncheon there and rest in the room. Quite a nice and comfortable room. Very relaxing.
In the evening, we went back to Suvarnabhumi Interntaional Airpot.
Then we took a flight to New Delhi, India. It's been late at night when we reached there. Somehow the airport looked like day time, very crowded and a bit warm.

With the help of the potter, our luggaged had been moved into the bus with the fast speed. Eveyone looked a bit tired, some already started to close the eyes and snoring sound started to hear........
The bus took us to Hotel Westerd Inn in New Delhi. It was quite dark along the way to the hotel because lack of street lamp pole. The hotel service was quite slow. We had been waiting and waiting for our turn to get the room key, actually was considered as so patiently to wait.
Mom and I quickly did a fast wash and jumped into bed. Time was precious because 4 hours later need to wake up and started our interesting journey.
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